Nasscom productskills community
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About Nasscom productskills community
Nasscom productskills (NPS) is a volunteer driven community of product professionals, managers, leaders & enthusiasts who are passionate about Product Management and have a pay-it-forward attitude to help everyone grow together & create an impact.

At NPS, our vision to make India a product superpower by building and nurturing product professionals and creating the world's largest product community.

We have a dedicated Slack channel where learn, collaborate and share experiences & best practices in product management domain. To join our Slack community, kindly fill the form and you'll receive the joining link for joining the community in your mailbox.

We are excited to welcome you to our community!

Your Email ID *

(Please provide your personal email ID here, or the email ID that you frequently check. This would be used to contact you or share information related to Nasscom ProductSkills program)

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