Recycling and Waste Services Survey
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We would be grateful if you could spare us your time to give us your views on our service. Your comments are valuable and assist us in improving our levels of service.

Recycling and Waste Services are responsible for the collection of all household waste, kerbside recycling, Recycling Centres and bulky uplifts.

If you score any of our services as poor or very poor, please use the box at the bottom to provide further information.

1. Please rate the services we have provided over the last year:

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor Not applicable

2. Have you used the online bin collections update page which provides information on disruptions to bin collections?

3. Where do you look for information on Recycling and Waste Services?

4. If you have used a Recycling Centre in the last year, please rate it in terms of the following:

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor Not applicable

5. In relation to Question 4, which site did you visit?

6. If you have used any of our services or contacted the service for information, complaint or comment please rate us on the following:

Excellent Good Adequate Poor Very Poor Not Applicable

7. Do you feel you are treated with fairness and sensitivity by Recycling and Waste Services?

8. If you said no to Question 7, please can you explain further?

9. What method do you prefer to contact us by?

10. From your experiences in the past year please tell us about what you feel has been delivered well by our service.

11. From your experiences in the past year please tell us about where you feel improvements to the service we provide could be made.

12. If you have contacted us recently, please provide your Enquiry Reference Number if you have one.